Thursday, February 11, 2016

Tracing and Cutting High Security Key

This video shows how to trace and then cut a high-security key using the 3D Pro Xtreme Laser key cutting machine.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Why do car keys cost so much now?

We have noticed that people are often surprised at the cost of a new key for their automobile.  Why does a new key usually cost $125.00 or more?  Let's examine the cost of a new key.
Since approximately the year 2000, most cars have included a transponder system for higher security.  This transponder system will not allow a vehicle to start unless it recognizes the proper chip in the key. This electronic chip adds a lot of cost to a key.  Depending on the type of key - regular head, remote head, flip-out, high security, etc. - the cost of a key can range from about $20 to more than $100.  We are also starting to see more proximity keys.  These are electronic “keys” that just need to be near an ignition button that you push to start the car.  Depending on the make and model of the car, these can be very exensive.
Many of the key blades, especially high security key blades, must be cut on very accurate and expensive key-cutting machines. These machines are driven by software that assure the right key cuts.  If the original key(s) has been lost, we must obtain a key code from the dealer or another 3rd-party source that gives us the proper cutting information.
Once the keys are cut, they must be programmed to the transponder in the car.  This requires another piece of expensive diagnostic equipment that plugs into a port on the car that allows us to program the key to start the car.
Before a locksmith ever shows up to program the key and make sure everyting works right, we spend time investigating the proper key, getting the key codes, cutting the key and making sure everything is ready to go when we show up.  All of these things determine the cost of getting you a new key that will work for your vehicle every time.
If you have any questions or are in need of a new automobile key, Jensen Locksmithing would love to help you out at an affordable price.
Call us at 435-319-0361 
or visit our website at

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Door Adjustments

When I go into a home to do locksmith work, I am frequently told that one or more of the doors are hitting ever so slightly on the top of the door frame. Just enough to be annoying and making it harder to close the door.  When I am asked if there is anything I can do, they are pleasantly surprised to fine it is usually an easy fix and homeowners can do it quite successfully themselves. It can be any door that has high usage. In most cases I simply have to use a screw driver and tighten the screws on all the hinges. I usually find one or more screws loose possibly  some  screw holes stripped. I most commonly find they are loose in the top hinge, but all of the screws need to be checked. If the hole is stripped, it can be easily remedied by screwing a longer screw into the hole. (sheet rock screws can work well) Just 1/16th of an inch of tightening on the hinge side can be enough to give much better clearance between the door and frame. It can be a simple and cost effective solution.

Phil Jensen


Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why a Spare Car Key is a GOOD Idea

Most cars, especially model years 2000 and newer, have keys with little
electronic chips built in. These chips are programmed to “talk” to your car
and let it know this is a valid key and can start the car. The upside to these
keys - much better security. The downside – they can be expensive! If you
lose that last key, it adds a lot to the expense of producing a new key. It can as
much as double the cost!
Visit our website at or simply give us a call at 435-319-0361 or 208-351-8322 for a free estimate
of the cost to program a new key for your car. Call us when you want to,
not when you need to.

Centrally Located Locksmith in Washington County Utah


Today in the automotive industry there are many different types and makes and models of cars, trucks, S.U.V.s, motorcycles, etc., and so inevitably there are also many types of keys and remotes that are used to start and control those vehicles. This industry is continually making more technologically advanced ways to keep our vehicles safe from theft and easier to use for the owner. Today I want to talk about and explain the main types of keys and remotes that get us into and start the engines of our wide variety of vehicles. While I give generic examples of the different types of keys and remotes, keep in mind that each vehicle uses a specific type of key and/or remote that has to be cut and usually programmed to lock, unlock, and start the vehicle. I’ll begin with the most basic type of key and increase to the “smarter” keys.
      Mechanical/ Emergency/ Non-Chipped/ Non-Transponder Keys
These types of keys are cheaper because they don’t have transponder chips in them. They are used primarily for locking and unlocking car doors in case of emergency (such as keys locked in car), motorcycles often use chip less keys to start them, and older vehicles that were made before 2000 often do as well. This is not always the case but true in most cases. Chip less keys are also used as test keys to cut before cutting the more expensive chipped keys to make sure the key cut is accurate.
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2.      Chipped/ Transponder Keys
These types of keys have small, electronic chips inside the head of the key that when programmed, using automotive diagnostic equipment, will communicate with the vehicle, so that the vehicle knows it’s the correct key for that particular vehicle. This way not just any key that is cut the same can start your car. At Jensen Locksmithing we use a key programming machine called the MVP Pro. Using transponder keys like this is great for security purposes, even though it’s a little more expensive than a chip less key.
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3.      Automotive Remotes
These types of remotes are used for many functions. Depending on your vehicle, they can lock, unlock, pop the trunk or back door hatch, start and stop the vehicle’s engine, open doors, and turn on/off panic alarm. These remotes do need to be programmed as well, sometimes with diagnostic equipment, sometimes with special on-board programming instructions.
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4.      Remote Head Keys
These keys also fall under the category of chipped keys, with a few exceptions. It’s a programmable key that has a remote on the top of the key blade, usually with the chip inside there. After cutting the key, it needs to be programmed, and then the remote also needs to be programmed.
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5.      Flip Keys
These keys are a lot like remote head keys except the blade flips into the remote part of the key. To flip the key back out, there is a button you push that flips it out, and you push in the same button to fold the key blade back in. These keys usually require the high security cutting for the blade, often using what is called a sidewinder cut, like in the example below.
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6.      High Security Keys
High Security Keys can include Non-Chipped Keys, Chipped Keys, Remote Head Keys, Flip Keys, or any other type of key with a high security blade. The key blade is thicker and needs a special key cutting machine to do the job. At Jensen Locksmithing we have the capability to cut these high security keys with our 3D Pro Extreme Lasor Key Cutting Machine.
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7.      Fobik Keys/Remotes
Electronic key fobs, or fobik keys, are used for things like remote keyless entry and starting a vehicle’s ignition. They use challenge-response authentication over radio frequency. To program these fobik keys, it requires diagnostic equipment, very similar to the chipped keys. These keys look like an automotive remote, and can do the same things a remote does (lock, unlock, panic button, etc.), but you also use it to put in a special ignition to start the car. These keys also contain an insert emergency key that will unlock the doors if needed but will not start the car on most models.
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  Proximity Keys/Remotes
These keys have a few different types, but these differences mainly apply to programming the keys/remotes. However, in general the functionality of these keys, after being programmed, work based on the same idea. If you have the proximity key, or prox key, within the proximity of the car (such as inside the vehicle or in your pocket or purse or just close by), you can start the car, lock it, unlock it, pop the trunk, etc. Although these keys are quite a bit more costly, they do have very nice features with many great benefits. These keys also come with an insert emergency key that will unlock the car if needed but will not start the car on most models.
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I hope that this was a little bit helpful on teaching you about the different types of automotive keys and remotes there are out there. If you happen to have any other questions, our expert car locksmiths at JENSEN LOCKSMITHING would love to help you out. Feel free to call us at (435)319-0361 or (208)351-8322, or visit our website at  

The New Jensen Locksmithing website

Click on the Automotive tab. You will see that we can get you into your locked car. Have you lost your keys? We can cut and program automotive keys and get you back on the road in a hurry. We can make spare keys. We can program new remotes. Go ahead, check out the Automotive page.
Click on the Residential tab. You will see that we can get you into your home where the keys are on the inside and you are on the outside. We can rekey your home using your same locks or we can provide new door handles and deadbolts. A popular service we provide is installing touchpad deadbolts for increased security.
Click on the Commercial tab. You will see that we can repair existing locks, intall new locks (including panic bars), rekey existing locks and make and stamp additional keys for multiple employees.
Click on the Home Security tab. We have recently partnered with Vivint and are now able to offer you home security and home automation. You will see the exciting possiblities for making your home more secure and automated.
We are excited about the new Jensen Locksmithing website and hope you will take a minute to look around. If you have any questions, our phone number is prominent on every page.